[python-uk] Re-schedule London Python Dojo: 10th December

Nicholas Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Tue Nov 24 15:07:46 CET 2009


Since discovering the clash of dates between DJUGL and the Dojo Gareth, Paul, Matthew (who run DJUGL) and I have been attempting to turn the clash into something that could benefit both sides. We've agreed that in future announcements and coordination will take place here on the Python-UK mailing list. If you're on Twitter @londonpython will wake up occasionally when something is announced.

To cut a long story short, the simplest thing to do is to re-schedule the Dojo to Thursday 10th December. All other details remain the same (see bottom of email for more information).

DJUGL is a large event (currently 60+ attendees) and follows the regular "speakers speak and then answer questions" format. They also have free pizza too. I'd encourage anyone interested in  Python/Django to attend - I'm definitely going. Their event page is here: http://londonpython.eventwax.com/djugl-december

The Dojo is relatively small (usually around 20 attendees, 30 max) and involves lots of audience interaction, spontaneous discussion/argument erupting, live coding and pair programming. Free pizza and beer from 6:30 with talks and demos kicking off at around 7:30. Participants have an opportunity to win "Programming Collective Intelligence" by Toby Segaran (examples are in Python). Sign up here: http://ldnpydojo.eventwax.com/4th-london-python-dojo--meetup

As always, feedback, comments and good ideas most welcome.

See you at both events,


When: Thursday 10th December 6:30pm

Fry-IT Limited
503 Enterprise House
1/2 Hatfields
London SE1 9PG

Nearest Tubes: Waterloo Southwark

0207 0968800

Google Map: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=1%2F2+Hatfields,+London,+SE1+9PG&sll=51.507954,-0.107825&sspn=0.007439,0.022724&ie=UTF8&ll=51.508235,0.107825&spn=0.007439,0.022724&z=16&iwloc=A

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