[python-uk] [ANN] EuroPython 2009 – Call for Participation!

Martin P. Hellwig martin.hellwig at dcuktec.org
Wed Dec 17 17:56:03 CET 2008

On behalf of the EuroPython 2009 organisation it is my privilege and 
honour to announce the 'Call for Participation' for EuroPython 2009!
EuroPython is the conference for the communities around Python, 
including the Django, Zope and Plone communities.
This year's conference will be held in Birmingham, UK from Monday 29th 
June to Saturday 4th July 2009.

Talks & Themes
Do you have something you wish to present at EuroPython? Go to 
http://www.europython.eu/talks/cfp/  for this year's themes and 
submissions criteria, the deadline is on 5th April 2009.

Other Talks, Activities and Events
Have you got something which does not fit the above? Visit 
http://www.europython.eu/talks/ .

Help Us Out
We could use a hand, any contribution is welcome, please take a look at 
http://www.europython.eu/contact/ .

An unique opportunity to affiliate with the prestigious EuroPython 

Spread the Word
Improve our publicity by distributing this announcement in your corner 
of the community, please coordinate this with the organizers: 

General Information
For more information about the conference, please visit 

Looking forward to see you!

The EuroPython Team

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