[python-uk] Python training in London

John Pinner funthyme at gmail.com
Tue Apr 29 17:17:13 CEST 2008


2008/4/29 Giles Thomas <giles.thomas at resolversystems.com>:
> Hi there,
>  Some of our clients have been asking us about Python training in London, in
> particular for financial markets.

Our three day course is now available in London at a venue on Russell
Square at a cost of £900 plus VAT per person per three days, includes
course, course notes, Thinkpad for three days and food. We just
haven't told anyone about it yet, enquiries to
sales at linuxemporium.co.uk.

> Does anyone on this list have experience
> training quants

I was wondering: why would a Norfolk Broads duck-shooting boat need
its pole training? ;)

> and similar non-developer but still tech-savvy people in
> Python programming?

We've certainly trained people like this, ie intelligent
non-developers, and it's never been a problem. Much easier to train
than non-intelligent developers.

Best wishes,

John Pinner

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