[python-uk] London Python meetup, Wednesday, October the 10th

Andy Robinson andy at reportlab.com
Tue Sep 18 15:38:36 CEST 2007

On 18/09/2007, Tim Golden <mail at timgolden.me.uk> wrote:
> > ThoughtWorks UK (my employer) have given us the use of a room this
> > time, so I'm looking for volunteer speakers, too.
> I'm in. Happy to give a talk, too. (WMI, active directory, win32 sort of
> stuff).
Me too, I'm around then.  I have a talk if you want - probably 30min worth.

We're building some very neat "personalised publishing" solutions for
the travel sector - build your own travel guide or personalised
brochures in real time.  These are all done on a Django platform,
which would give me an excuse to share tips/tricks/headaches on web
frameworks and content management as well as ReportLab's document
generation tools.
Fairly high "wow" factor and lots of pics of tropical beaches, could
be as technical or not as you like ;-)

Andy Robinson, ReportLab

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