[python-uk] [announce] Python North-West meeting - 6 November h 18.30

Giacomo Lacava g.lacava at gmail.com
Sun Oct 28 20:35:25 CET 2007

New meeting of the Python North-West community!

This month's talk is:
- Michael Sparks on "Greylisting with Kamaelia" - dramatic spam
reduction with a few lines of Python.

After the talk, you'll be able to showcase your cool python stuff, get
tips from others, have a chat with fellow-minded python geeks... and
relax with free refreshments and nibbles. Free wifi will also be

The meeting will take place at the Manchester Digital Development Agency,
Lower Ground Floor, 117-119 Portland Street,
Manchester, England M1 6ED.
Thanks to the MDDA folks, who again let us use their facilities free of charge.

Location map and further details are at
http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/303512.  If can't find the venue on
the day, call 0779 6690731 and we'll rescue you.

If you want to give a second (brief) talk at this meeting (or the main
talk at the next one, why not...), please post the idea on the mailing
list (http://groups.google.com/group/python-north-west) or mail
g.lacava at gmail.com.

Subscribe to the Python North-West Google Calendar (linked at
http://groups.google.com/group/python-north-west in various formats)
to get notified of all future meetings and events.

Giacomo Lacava

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