[python-uk] PyCon UK Call for Papers

John Pinner john at clocksoft.com
Fri May 11 17:58:46 CEST 2007

I'm reposting this, as following a change of isp, the list server
bounced my original mail, but took a week to do it...

Hello All,

Last week we issued the official call for papers here:


PyCon UK is the first UK Python community conference and takes place in
Birmingham on the weekend of 8th-9th September 2007.

PyCon UK has generated lots of interest and already we have some
fantastic talks and tutorials planned, so please book your place now at
the extra early bird rate of £50 (includes conference dinner). This
extra low rate only applies until 19th May, so get it while you can!

Please help make this conference by submitting your talks as soon as you
can: the closing date is July 14th, but the sooner you do it the easier
it is for us to plan.

Best wishes,

John Pinner

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