[python-uk] Python evening talks in London: Ten lines of code

Richard Smedley smedley358 at btinternet.com
Mon Mar 19 20:02:46 CET 2007

> Funnily enough, my company's business revolves around a "discovery
> engine" which is entirely written in python.  It uses wmi, ssh, snmp
> and other technologies to find and gather information from customers'
> server estates.  We use omniORB (it's developer works for us),
> BerkeleyDB, and a whole host of other technologies.  Perhaps I could
> get some of our engineers to present some talks too.

I'd be tempted to make the journey to London for that talk - but
how about you come up to Manchester or Birmingham to give at at
one of the two autumn Python conferences / PyCamps?


 - Richard

Richard Smedley,                                         rs at m6-it.org
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