[python-uk] Personal selection of Python books for sale to UKdevelopers

me at christhetechie.org.uk me at christhetechie.org.uk
Tue Mar 6 15:17:15 CET 2007


> Not poking fun. Your website is down with the following "Directory 
> listing is denied"

Yeah I know - the perpetually unfinished web site is still unfinished.  There's lots of content there 
but it's hidden.

> Can you give us what you think is a reasonable price?

I'd expect at least £15 quid each for the Python ones (considering they cost around 40 quid each to 
start with).  10-15 quid for the others.  They are all pretty new current edition ones!  Postage will 
be around the £4-6 per book as they're heavy as anything.  I live in North London so if anyone wants to 
collect that's fine plus I work in the city so if anyone wants to meet up I can shift them that way.


Chris Smith

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