[python-uk] London Python Planet

Michael Sparks ms at cerenity.org
Tue Oct 10 18:33:55 CEST 2006

On Tuesday 10 October 2006 13:01, Simon Brunning wrote:
> A big thank you to Menno Smits and Remi Delon for setting up and
> hosting Planet London Python.
> <http://londonpython.org.uk/>

I'm now based in Not London, which makes london python meets a rare 
possibility for me (I was wrong about the other day, sorry!), so can I have 
my feed included on this as well?  (On the basis that everyone in London 
thinks that anything worth knowing is london based ;-) (a python-uk planet 
would've made more sense to me, but hey I don't normally make sense to 
others ;)

Feed: http://yeoldeclue.com/cgi-bin/blog/feed.cgi

Now you know where my occasional inane drivellings are :-)
(But hey, in the eyes of some, I blog a bit therefore I am, rather than I blog 
not therefore I am not :-)

Michael (Now based north of the watford gap)
Michael Sparks, Kamaelia Dust Puppy

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