[python-uk] Anyone need training?

Seb Bacon seb at jamkit.com
Mon Jul 24 13:47:11 CEST 2006


I'd like to arrange a Python training course for one of our staff.  As
we're in London, sending them here
[http://www.wellho.net/course/ypfull.html?summdets=2#cdesc] would be
full of hassle.  However, I note that they will come and do training
with you.

Is anyone else in a similar situation & would like to club together to
buy some training and find a space for it in London?

Or, can anyone recommend any other Python training near London?




   [] j a m k i t
     web solutions for charities

        seb bacon
T:  020 7549 0520
F:  020 7549 0505
M:  07968 301 336
W: www.jamkit.com

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