[python-uk] Fwd: [Gllug] London Web Frameworks Evening - Nov 17th @ Cabot Square

Mamading Ceesay mamading at gmail.com
Wed Nov 2 04:03:47 CET 2005

Of interest, methinks.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dean Wilson <dwilson at unixdaemon.net>
Date: 01-Nov-2005 23:45
Subject: [Gllug] London Web Frameworks Evening - Nov 17th @ Cabot Square
To: gllug-announce at gllug.org.uk, gllug at gllug.org.uk

This is a little off topic but I know there are a fair few Perl, Python and
Ruby people on the GLLUG lists.

I'm pleased to announce that on the 17th of November, starting at 19:00 and
being held in Morgan Stanley at Cabot Square, is the first ever London Web
Frameworks evening! We were incredibly lucky with the line up and we're
proud to present:

Matt Trout - Catalyst
Catalyst core developer and author of DBIx::Class.

Simon Willison - Django
Javascript guru, Sitepoint author, Pythonista and Yahoo!

Matt Biddulph - Rails
The man behind the BBC's programme catalogue. Nuff Said.

You must sign up (it's free!) to attend:  http://london.pm.org/signup/

Each speaker will give an overview/introduction and some of what makes
each framework great. The talks will begin at 19:00 on the 17th of
November and will finish about 21:00. We'll then be heading to a local
pub for food, drink and conversation. The venue for the meeting is the
Shakespeare training room on the 12th floor of the Morgan Stanley
building in Cabot Square. Registration is required if you plan to

Thanks go to Ben Evans for getting us the venue and the speakers for
presenting with no pay, no travel expenses and no safety net...

Useful Links
Cabot Square on GoogleMaps:

London PM Sign up page for the event:

  Dean Wilson
Dean Wilson             http://www.unixdaemon.net
Profanity is the one language all programmers understand
  --- Anon
Gllug mailing list  -  Gllug at gllug.org.uk

Mamading Ceesay

"Isn't a state that keeps files on innocent persons a police state?"
-- David Mery - Innocent In London http://gizmonaut.net/bits/suspect.html
 Radio Interview with David Mery

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