[python-uk] Web Development with Python

Michael Foord mike at pcblokes.com
Wed Dec 14 09:33:49 CET 2005

Simon Faulkner wrote:
> I often have to write small web databases - nothing too fancy, just a 
> table or 2 and a few forms/reports.  Sometimes it's just a web frontend 
> to a program othertimes more like a database for tracking items.
> I have used Python and MySQL in CGI but it seems quite long winded.
> I have used Zope/Plone but it is quite a heavyweight solution for a 
> small app and quite slow unless you do a lot of caching.
> I have looked at Ruby/Rails but it seems a shame to loose what 
> experience I have in Python by switching to a new language.
> Does anyone have any experience in this field and/or can suggest what I 
> might try or look at to continue developing in Python?

I'm surprised you haven't had a flood of emails replying to this. :-)

The usual choices (with Python) are :

	(plus others - albatross ?)

For smaller apps Karrigell probably has the easiest learning curve.
Turbogears and subway are both based on the CherryPy application server,
which has a very good reputation.

Turbogears probably has the most active user community and momentum.

Django uses it's own ORM (database) - but has very good, ready built,
admin/authentication systems. It's a cross between an application server
and CMS, so more obviously suited to applications that lean in that

The above solutions are *basically* multi-threaded solutions (although
turbogears can run as multi process and karrigell can run in
asynchronous mode I believe).

A *great* option - that doesn't seem to be getting much mileage at the
moment - is a Twisted based solution. In conjunction with Axiom
(database) and Nevow (templating) and possibly even Mantissa (ready
built application server under heavy development) it is an asynchronous
solution that is highly scalable.

I hope that helps.


> Simon
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