[python-uk] Consistent winners from this top ranked newsletter

Glenn Escobar ctzxcx at assert.ee
Sat Jul 24 01:26:34 CEST 2004

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Life Energy and Technology Holdings, Inc,<br>
<p>Contract Announcements and Huge Newsletter Coverage for LETH</p>
<p>On Monday, July 26, LETH will be profiled by some major newsletters. <br>
  There will be huge volume and a strong price increase for several days. <br>
  These are the same newsletters that profiled AUML last week. <br>
  They brought AUML from $ .20 to $1.11 in 4 days. We know for certain <br>
  that the same groups are going to profile LETH starting on Monday.</p>
<p>We are very proud that we can share this information with you so that <br>
  you can make a profit out of it. It is highly advisable to take a <br>
  position in LETH as soon as possible, today before the market closes <br>
  or early on Monday.</p>
<p>LETH has 26 operating environmental systems in place worldwide that <br>
  convert assorted categories of waste into clean, &quot;green electricity<br>
  &quot; The Company is strongly positioned with $36 Million in assets and <br>
  $23 Million in cash, not including a sales backlog exceeding <br>
  $100 Million for their Biosphere Process System. LETH is experiencing <br>
  a breakout year and has contracted to receive $250 Million in <br>
  financing marked for additional global expansion.</p>
<p>The stock is unjustly trading at its 52-week low and should begin <br>
  to rocket skyward immediately. We think the stock could easily <br>
  reach $2 in less than a month.</p>
<p>Good luck and watch LETH fly next week!</p>

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