[python-uk] Extending Python - Asynchronous Callbacks

Phil Hornby phil.hornby at accutest.co.uk
Fri Aug 15 15:11:17 EDT 2003

>On Friday 15 August, "Phil Hornby" wrote:

>> Not played with Python 2.3...still working with 2.2. But are you
>> staying I should have a Thread State per Thread, as opposed to how I
>> actually have it...with a Thread State per Callback?

>Yes. Furthermore, you have to always use the same thread state per
>thread, at least for threads that Python started in the first place.

Aha...that might be a big difference...whilst Python does technically start
the thread, it is not a Python Thread as such. Not sure if that makes a

>> I will have to give my code a try with 2.3 to see if it fails
>> monumentally...:>

>I expect it will work fine unless you try it with a debug version,
>since the new check is only activated when debugging.

Okay that's fine then...but I suppose I should fix it....

Anyway thanks for the help


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