[Python-uk] Cambridge Python meeting in September?

Michael Hudson mwh21@cam.ac.uk
Wed, 22 Sep 1999 16:03:50 +0100

>> integrating odes
>What a pleasantly poetic twist ;^)


>Yes, there will be Cambridge meetings - possibly starting some time next
>week.  Thanks for mentioning back rooms ... May-pole is good ... what
>other pubs do you know of with back rooms in Cambridge ?  Ideally doing
>food as well (since that'll make early evening meetings easier for the
>full-time employed among us) and/or with a scribbling board ...

Maypole does good food... I'm sure there are others, but I don't know off

>For that matter, what'd be our chances of teaming up with a relevant
>undergraduate society with access to seminar-equipped rooms ?

Precisely no idea, sorry.

>So, for a preliminary stab at getting something off the ground, how do
>folk in Cambridge feel about a meeting next Wednesday (Sept 29th), at
>The Wrestlers' on Newmarket Road, say 8pm ?  Please comment, in
>responses, on capacity to cope with other days of the week.  Yes, I've
>made arbitrary choices here, in hopes of getting enough of us gathered
>over a pint to have a thorough discussion of places/times for future
>moots.  So primarily a planning meeting, but I hope we can all have fun
>discussing interesting stuff too ;^)

Wednesdays at 8pm at the Wrestlers' (don't know where it is, but can find it
I guess) are fine in principle, but not the next one, because term hasn't
started by then and I won't be in Cambridge. As to other evenings, I have no
particular constraints, except that midweek is probably better than weekend.

>I have a hat, such dark blue you might call it black, trilby-like in
>shape.  I am tall, bespectacled and long-haired.  That should leave you
>with only about half a dozen folk to ask ;^>  If you have anything nice
>and obvious like a python to bring with you, you can act as our
>standard-bearer and the rest of us will find you.

I am not particularly tall, hove no remarkably distinguishing features, can
be bespectacled or not upon request - and wont be there ;-(. Some other
