[Python-uk] Promoting Python in the U.K.

Michael Charlton mcharlto@nortelnetworks.com
Thu, 7 Oct 1999 12:50:08 +0100

	Re:: Garys, & Andys posting


	If you want to split the workload for chasing up magazine articles
then I'm
	prepared to do some work in this area. I provided some duff gen at
the meeting 
	last Monday, PCPlus are running an alternative programming language
	featuring Smalltalk, Lisp and Eiffel; no mention of Python.

	Promoting Python at work

	At least two people have heard of python here (out of a department
of 70) and 
	one person has used it in place of tcl to perform a task. I think
James makes a 
	valid point concerning the use of languages in organizations:

		>>It is difficult to motivate people to
		>>try a new language as most people are illiterate in more
than one 
		>>(programming) language already and are still trying to
figure out C/C++
		>>for that next job.

	I'm currently writing an application in python, its a graphical
interface to a proprietary test tool, 
	and would be quite prepared to give a presentation on this subject
at a meeting.


	Michael Charlton 
	Nortel Networks
	GSM HLR-PS Product Verification
		Email:	 Michael.Charlton@nortelnetworks.com
> 		Phone:	 ESN 590 4963  Intl: +44 1628 43 4963
> 		Fax:          ESN 590 4381  Intl: +44 1628 43 4381
> 		Address:   3 Roxborough Way, Foundation Park, Maidenhead
> 			  BERKS, SL6 2UD, United Kingdom