[Python-se] Pycon Sweden 2021 - dates defined and CfP opened

Helio Loureiro helio at loureiro.eng.br
Sat Aug 14 15:11:15 EDT 2021

Dear Python community,

PyCon Sweden is happening again and we want you to speak!

Thanks to the great response last year, PyCon Sweden is back AGAIN. It will
be TWO full days of talks, activities and fun.

The conference is being held on October 21-22nd online, streamed live to
our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PyConSweden

We are honored to announce that Og Maciel will be one of our keynote

Speakers.   Og Maciel is a Brazilian-American software engineer and author
of fiction and short stories. His works include Software Quality
Engineering: Tales From The Trenches, and The Wanderer. He lives in Chapel
Hill, NC, with his wife and three daughters.

Last but not least, we are now accepting proposals for talks - please

submit your proposal at: https://pretalx.com/pycon-sweden-2021/

** Who should submit a proposal?


If you are worried about whether or not you should submit a proposal,

don't be. Everyone's welcome!

Anyone with any level of Python knowledge is a candidate for a good

topic at this conference. If you're a first time speaker with limited

experience, contact us - we will help you out! As we get attendees of

all kinds, we need speakers of all kinds. In all ways and manners, we

try to assemble the most diverse conference we can, and we do that with

your help.

If you don't have an idea for a proposal right now, please help us

spread the word about this CFP! The more people that hear about the

conference and submit proposals, the better off the conference and the

Python community at large will be. This is the perfect opportunity to

encourage your talented friend or colleague to speak.

If you have any questions about submitting a proposal, please email

cfp at pycon.se and we will be more than happy to help you out.

Again, please submit your proposals on


and spread the word - thank you!

PyCon Sweden organization board
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