[Python-porting] Fw: lib2to3 and matching of fixers

Benjamin Peterson benjamin at python.org
Wed Dec 14 18:35:25 CET 2011

2011/12/14 Vinay Sajip <vinay_sajip at yahoo.co.uk>:
>>> What are you using exactly? I would expect "atom< STRING+>" to
>>> work.
>>Thanks, that worked. I tried "atom" and "STRING+" separately - sorry, I'm unfamiliar with the pattern-matching
>> language, but hopefully I'll get more familiar as I work with it!
> I'm now trying to match a tuple using the following pattern:
> PATTERN = "atom< '(' args=testlist_gexp< any+ > ')' >"
> This is a subset of the pattern used in the isinstance fixer that Armin Ronacher wrote. However, the pattern fails to match the source
> x = (int, long)
> The parse tree for this source looks like this:
> Node(file_input, [Node(simple_stmt, [Node(expr_stmt, [Leaf(1, 'x'), Leaf(22, '='), Node(atom, [Leaf(7, '('), Node(testlist_gexp, [Leaf(1, 'int'), Leaf(12, ','), Leaf(1, 'long')]), Leaf(8, ')')])]), Leaf(4, '\n')]), Leaf(0, '')])

You have to account for the newline.


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