[Python-porting] Port of psycopg2

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Sat Dec 13 00:13:15 CET 2008

> The problem with this approach is that 2to3 is a fast moving target
> and relying on the version that comes with Python is likely not going
> to work out if you need a more recent version of 2to3 for your code.

So program against the version that comes with Python. I found that this
works quite well.

Of course, it worked best when you reported all problems you have in
your software before 3.0 was released.

> For source distributions this either means that you have to ship
> 2to3 with your code or that you ship already converted code.
> BTW: Is it possible to extend 2to3 with your own fixers dynamically,
> e.g. to work around this problem ?

Sure. You can pass explicit lists of fixers.

> Is there an overview of how lib2to3 works somewhere ?

How top-level do you want the overview to be? There is the fixes
directory, with one module per fixer. lib2to3 imports them all,
and then runs them one after another.


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