[python-nl] Python Meetup Octobre 22nd

Reinout van Rees reinout at vanrees.org
Mon Sep 1 13:35:42 CEST 2014

On 01-09-14 08:35, Mallory van Achterberg wrote:
> That said, I tend to see the general PUN meetings as pretty much
> pure/mostly Python and scheduled to be*anywhere*, and the Byte
> meetups as being fairly Python but also broader (talks on Ansible,
> regexen, CMSes, that sort of thing) and based in Amsterdam.

Pure python? Not really. We don't have talks on perl/node/whatever, but 
we do have talks on django (web), plone (cms), GIS systems, etc.

There aren't many talks that are pure about something very 
python-internal. There was one at the last PUN, though, a nice one about 
"async, coroutines, event loops", which looks a bit like the "Python, 
Parallelism and Concurrency" that you've planned :-)

> I also see the PUN meetings as being more Dutch-language, and the
> talks feel often more detailed and technical in general (maybe also
> because they can be longer) than the Byte talks. Again, I see them
> as separate and complimentary.

Dutch-language? All the talks are in English, unless everyone 
understands Dutch.
Most of the talking during the breaks is in Dutch unless there's someone 
standing next to you that talks English. Perhaps this is different at 
the Byte meetings?

How long are the talks at Byte? I'm used to (2) talks of max 30 minutes. 
Sounds like you do 15 minute talks or so?


Reinout van Rees                          http://reinout.vanrees.org/
reinout at vanrees.org                   http://www.nelen-schuurmans.nl/
"Learning history by destroying artifacts is a time-honored atrocity"

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