[python-nl] Classes om delen van programma te herhalen

Dirkjan Ochtman dirkjan at ochtman.nl
Wed Oct 15 11:25:45 CEST 2014

On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 11:18 AM, Guido Wesdorp <johnnydebris at gmail.com> wrote:
> Anyway, I think it would make sense for Marc to read some entry-level docs
> before asking questions here, this stuff is so basic that if you don't know
> that, you will most probably want to read the other 101 stuff too, and
> asking here before reading the beginner docs is time-consuming, not only for
> us, but also for him... I would say, first thing to do would be to visit
> docs.python.org and read https://docs.python.org/2/tutorial/index.html (or
> replace the 2 with 3 for the latest Python version), then tinker about a
> bit, then if you really get stuck ask here (I assume you haven't read the
> docs, else you would probably have known that functions ('def') are used for
> 'subroutines' and 'class' is more of a container of data and functions
> rather than a callable block of code).

Yeah, I very much feel this isn't a great forum for this kind of
discussion (that is, very basic Python questions). Or at least, it's
very far from the type of discussion I subscribe to this list for. On
the other hand, other subscribers don't seem to mind, and if this is
the rare forum where questions can be asked in Dutch, maybe that is a
valid purpose for this list.



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