[python-nl] Summaries PUN 20 June 2014, Utrecht

Remco Wendt remco.wendt at gmail.com
Wed Jul 30 18:44:10 CEST 2014

Yay for language and community crossover!!

Remco Wendt  
On 30 Jul 2014 at 09:58:28, Mallory van Achterberg (stommepoes at stommepoes.nl) wrote:

On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 03:33:17PM +0200, Folkje wrote:  
> Hi all,  
> >Rumor has it that someone at booking.com will organize it at their  
> >office in Amsterdam somewhere in september or october. I'm  
> >awaiting confirmation :-)  
> >  
> >  
> >Reinout  
> >  
> Is that rumor still in place? I organize the bimonthly Amsterdam  
> Python Meetups (similar to the PUN, but always located in Amsterdam,  
> usually at Byte's) and I would like to co-organize a larger Meetup  
> in October. Trifork offered to host, but if you're doing a similar  
> thing in the same month at booking.com, maybe we can combine forces!  
> Folkje  

It would be mega-awesome if a dual Python-Perl (AmsterdamX group) meetup  
could happen. Perlers hearing about what's going on in Python and  
Pythonista's looking at what's going on in Perl. Mutual stealing has  
always been in the languages' advantages, but also for developers.  
Booking does both languages, though more heavily Perl.  

The AmsterdamX group tends to meet at Booking and their talks are not  
restricted to Perl but general development.  

If such an idea sounds interesting to others, the man to contact is  
Sawyer X (@perlsawyer on twitter, xsawyerx at gmail for mail).  

Just an idea.  

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Python-nl at python.org  
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