[python-nl] Python Meetup Octobre 22nd

Folkje folkje at byte.nl
Wed Aug 20 13:13:16 CEST 2014

Hi all,

The Amsterdam Python Meetup Group is doing a Python Meetup on Octobre 
22nd. It would be nice if you would join us! 

If there's also still a Python-Perl thing going on somewhere we'd be 
happy to join too. There can never be enough Python Meetups :)

Hope to see you all soon,

*Folkje Lips*
Teamcoördinator Techniek

W http://www.byte.nl
E folkje op byte.nl <mailto:folkje op byte.nl>
De Ruyterkade 139
1011 AC Amsterdam
T +31 (0) 20 5216 226
F +31 (0) 20 5216 227

FAQ: veelgestelde vragen staan op http://www.byte.nl/wiki

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