[python-nl] Moving to Amsterdam [to do Python]

Paweł Królikowski rabbbit at gmail.com
Fri Aug 1 13:32:57 CEST 2014

Hello out there!

I hope this list is fine with this kind of adds (London's is), if not,
please don't shoot :)

So, I'll be moving to Amsterdam in early October. I would like to do Python
but I know nothing of the pyAmsterdam universe. I was hoping you could help
me track some cool, new, interesting, challenging, amazing, fabulous
companies that do Python in Amsterdam.

About me - I've been working on back-endy things in a sports betting
company, mostly on (xml) data consumption bits. I've recently started
playing with some cool things like tornado, celery, rabbitmq, riak,
elasticsearch and would be *very* happy to continue doing so. I am also
afraid of css and, to some extent, javascript.

Thanks a lot,

p.s. - if you can think of a 'cool' company, but you're not working not
working there, I will very happily accept the name/link and then hassle
them myself.
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