[python-nl] Next PUN? Next django meeting?

Remco Gerlich remco at gerlich.nl
Tue Apr 29 11:08:44 CEST 2014

On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 9:23 AM, Tikitu de Jager <tikitu op buzzcapture.com>wrote:

> I had the idea that maybe the coincidence would be a positive feature
> (personally I like hitting the same ideas from different angles to get an
> overview). But since nobody has announced their burning desire to learn
> about coroutines, I'll save it for the next meeting.

I want to hear about them! I haven't seen more than few headlines, but
asyncio sounds like a feature of Python 3 that could really be a reason to
upgrade from 2.

Remco Gerlich
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