[python-nl] Need a pointer... how to create an application or website and use Python

Wouter van Heyst wouter at richtlijn.be
Sat Apr 20 11:53:44 CEST 2013

On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 13:31:13 -0500, Kuno Woudt wrote:
> On 18-04-13 09:07, Niels Bom wrote:
> >If you're still fairly new to Python I would start doing simple
> >commandline scripts/applications first. Later on switch to
> >websites and/or GUI applications.
> >
> >This will bypass a big stack of problems/challenges you get when
> >you're making Python-powered websites. I've no experience with GUI
> >applications but a wild guess is that it's similar.
> The biggest challenge with GUI applications I found is that you
> typically will have to use a toolkit (Qt, GTK, or their windows/mac
> os x equivalents) which is not written in python, and for which the
> bindings will also not be very pythonic.  For example when using Qt
> you will soon need to know how to convert a python string to a
> QString and back, and all kinds of other details which are very
> specific to the toolkit and which do not help you appreciate and
> learn python in any way.  

Qt has multiple python bindings.  In PySide and newer versions of PyQt
one usually does not have to deal with QStrings and QVariants.  Then the
question becomes, do you support different versions, on which platforms?
Qt works on OSX nowadays but on phones it is a bit more iffy, and
on alternative python implementations like pypy these bindings don't
work at all.

So yeah, just learning python at first may not be a bad idea.


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