[python-nl] Vim workshops in Amsterdam 23rd and 24th of July

Niels Bom niels at nielsbom.com
Wed Jul 4 18:16:22 CEST 2012


I suspect there are quite some Vim users on this mailinglist.
Here's an email from Drew Neil (@nelstrom) about the Vim workshops he'll
give on the 23rd and 24th of July, in Amsterdam.

With kind regards,
Niels Bom


Vim is a fast and efficient text editor that will make you a faster and
more efficient developer. It’s available on almost every OS—if you master
Vim, you’ll never need another text editor.

I run the Vimcasts.org blog/podcast, where I've published many
instructional videos about how to use Vim. I've just finished writing
Practical Vim, which is now available from the Pragmatic Bookshelf. I'm
eager to get out there and meet other Vim users, to share the best tips and
tricks that I picked up while researching my book. I'll be touring around
Europe in July, running Vim masterclasses in London, Paris, Amsterdam, and

My workshops last 3 hours, and they cover some of the most important
features of Vim. I'll show you how to make Vim's modes work for you, rather
than against you. We'll spend time studying Vim's most important feature:
the dot command, which lets you repeat your last change. Once you've
learned the secrets of the dot command, you'll be able to complete
repetitive tasks effortlessly. You can find more details here:


The early bird price of £95 (approx. €118) is available until Tuesday, 10th
July. After that, the price goes up to £110 (€137). You can register for my
Amsterdam workshops here:

    Monday, 23 July: http://amsterdam-vimcasts-eve-1.eventbrite.com/
    Tuesday, 24 July: http://amsterdam-vimcasts-eve-2.eventbrite.com/

These workshops are aimed at the intermediate user looking to level up
their Vim skills. Come and see how Vim can blow your mind (or your money

If you can think of anyone who might be interested, please do me the favour
of forwarding them this email. And if you've any questions, don't hesitate
to get in touch.

Drew Neil

drew at vimcasts.org
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