[python-nl] deployment knowledge sharing session: release management + buildout + puppet

Zaheer Soebhan z.soebhan at gmail.com
Wed Jun 1 09:14:29 CEST 2011

Hi Jan-Jaap,

That's a great idea!

What's the prior knowledge people need to have when they want to attend this

Good luck!


2011/5/31 Jan-Jaap Driessen <janjaapdriessen at gmail.com>

> Hi,
> During the last hackathon at my office and at the most recent PUN, I
> spoke to some of you about the way we deploy applications at THA. I
> intend to host a knowledge session on this topic:
> At THA we use proper release management, buildout and puppet in order
> to make hosting applications a breeze. I'll present a walkthrough of
> the technologies we use in order to keep things organized.
> For me, this session serves as a reality check: I would like to hear
> from you where we can improve our setup.
> I put up a doodle and hope you can make it:
> http://www.doodle.com/vehdavf9kuymah87
> My plan is to start at 13:00 and continue into the evening.
> See you soon,
> JJ
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