[python-nl] Computer Vision & Python, the presention

Gijs Molenaar gijs at pythonic.nl
Thu Mar 25 13:03:50 CET 2010

Hello everyone,

Thanks for watching my presentation, I enjoyed giving it to you. I've received a lot of positive feedback, thanks for that.

The presentation and the examples are online and can be downloaded at:

 * http://gijs.pythonic.nl/statis/pun-20100324.tgz

The examples are taken from OpenCV, with some small modifications.

The project site of my graduation project can be found here:

 * http://code.google.com/p/sonic-gesture/ 

I wrote a prototype in python, but lately I switched to C++. The Python prototype is still available in the repository, but it is just a prototype. So don't complain about anti-designpaterrents like a god object ;)

Some people asked me if I was running Gentoo in a virtual machine. Actually I use a Gentoo Prefix. Something like macports, or virtualenv if you like.

 * http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/gentoo-alt/prefix/bootstrap-macos.xml

When I have time today I'll upload the new Ubuntu packages to the PPA, these include the new OpenCV Python API. Otherwise somewhere this week.

 * https://launchpad.net/~gijzelaar/+archive/opencv2-karmic

Gijs Molenaar
gijs op pythonic.nl

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