[python-nl] Coder's Dojo

Klaas van Schelven klaas at vanschelven.com
Thu Mar 25 10:31:05 CET 2010

Hi Todd, others,

I'm very much in favor of having a Dojo and would like to participate. I'm
not too much in favor of the democratic style of decision making. So I would
like to ask you to just pick a date, location and a challenge and we'll go
from there. May Todd be our sensei!

If you want a location I might be able to arrange something in Utrecht. We
could also do it in the ABC Treehouse next month.


On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 10:05 AM, C.T. Matsumoto <c.t.matsumoto op gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello,
> Thanks for all the great talks last night at the PUN. It was a great time,
> even though a bit late.
> Last night I very shortly presented an idea to try out a Coder's Dojo at
> the ABC space. It was great to meet some other people who are interested and
> as well have already tried out their own Dojo.
> Here is the information I've found about a Dojo. After last night I know
> that there are different ways to run a Dojo, but this information has two
> types of Dojo, and rules, so it will be a good starting point that we can
> mix with other people's experience.
> For now we've got the space, and it looks like we've got the interest, but
> we haven't got a challenge, and if we try to hold this more often
> challenges.
> For me, I'd like to try a Randori style Dojo.
> Types of Dojo's
> ---------------
> There are two type of Coding Dojo meetings. The first is called Kata
> which is a rehearsed choreography of developing a solution for a given
> problem. For example someone presents a challenge of implementing a
> simple thread application. A member presents a solution in Java and
> proceeds to develop it during the session. She or he will have
> rehearsed the solution prior to the meeting, but will do all coding
> for the solution at the meeting. A previous solution is not imported
> into thesession and explained. The presenter actually creates the
> solution during the session. During the session, the group comments on
> the design and coding style and suggests changes to improve the
> solution. The session is very interactive and the group develops, with
> the presenter the solution they feel is the best, clearest, and
> simplest. There are breaks during the session for short design reviews
> where the group discusses the approach to solving the problem.
> The second style is called Randori which is an exploratory form of a
> kata where the whole group participates in carrying out an improvised
> choreography rather than following a rehearsed sequence of steps. Each
> member of the group takes a turn at the keyboard, adding to the
> code. For example, if there are six participants, each may have a
> seven minute turn as the developer. When the time is up, the co-pilot
> who was the other person in the pair programming team takes over as
> the pilot and a new co-pilot joins in.
> Rules of Dojo
> -------------
> The rules and sample session agenda presented here are preliminary and
> will be changed based on the experience gathered from previous
> sessions.
>  * There is a coding challenge that is announced beforehand.
>  * There is a room with one computer attached to video screen.
>  * The presenter explains the coding challenge and starts the
>    coding.The presenter may or may not choose to have a co-pilot. If
>    this is a Randori session, a co-pilot is usually assigned so that
>    when the switch occurs, the co-pilot takes over for the coder.
>  * One half of the pair is changed every 5 minutes if the session is
>    Randori.
>  * The coder should continuously explain what she or he is doing.
>  * The coder should stop when someone from the audience falls off the
>    sled (has a question about understanding what the pair is doing)
>    -- and only continue when that someone is back on track again.
>  * All coders use TDD (Test-Driven Development). All produced code
>    will be made publicly available using the Eclipse Common Public
>    License.
>  * The programming language to be used is announced in advance per
>    session.
> (Coding Dojo http://web.cs.wpi.edu/~gpollice/Dojo.html#MeetingTime)
> Cheers,
> Todd
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