[python-nl] Django meetup reminder

Remco Wendt remco at maykinmedia.nl
Wed Feb 10 12:38:52 CET 2010

Hello everyone,

Just as a reminder: wednesday 17th next week the first Django meetup will be
held in the ABC Treehouse in Amsterdam. The meetup will start at 19:30. We
are still looking for someone to give a 30 minute presentation and there are
also still two lightning talk slots available. So if you have anything
interesting so say about your experiences with the Django framework, by all
means, claim your slot!

See for details: http://wiki.python.org/moin/DjangoMeetingNL/DM/ABC170210

Maykin Media
Herengracht 416, 1017 BZ Amsterdam
tel.: +31 (0)6 187 967 06
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