[python-nl] Django or something else ?

Wichert Akkerman wichert at wiggy.net
Tue Mar 3 20:48:14 CET 2009

On 3/3/09 8:46 PM, Stef Mientki wrote:
> hello,
> I'm looking for a way to make web applications,
> especially (medical) questionnaires / surveys.
> At the last PUN meeting in Arnhem,
> I asked a few people, and they all told me that Django would be the 
> way to go.
> The most important argument was that the Django support / community 
> was the largest.
> When I look at the web,
> both Django and Web2Py seems to have about the same capabilities.
> In comparisons Web2Py looks something better, but these comparisons 
> are often coloured.
> The past days the number of mails in the Web2Py newsgroups is about 
> twice as large as in the Django newsgroup.
> About Web2Py, I can buy a book, and didn't found any book about Django.
> I've downloaded both,
> still couldn't get Django working after 15 minutes,
> while Web2Py worked in less than 5 minutes.
> What am I missing ?

Only you can answer that question. It depends on your skillset, what 
kind of application you have, performance and other requirements, etc.

For what it's worth my favourite frameworks at the moment are pylons and 


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