[python-nl] O'Reilly User Group programme lidmaatschap

Martijn Pieters mj at zopatista.com
Sun Oct 23 20:54:21 CEST 2005

De O'Reilly UG programme lidmaadschap is er eindelijk door. Dit betekend 
dat we als gebruikers groep nu de volgende dingen van O'Reilly mogen 
vragen (knip en plak uit de welkomst email):

  * Review copies of O'Reilly products - your reviews should be 
published on your site or newsletter but also why not send them to 
amazon.co.uk, slash dot or any other online sites of your choice? (there 
is a list of new books listed in the Newsletter from which you can 
select book(s) of interest to your group).
  * 30% discount on all O'Reilly books. Should you wish to give your 
members the opportunity to purchase our books at 30% discount, we will 
need to set up an account for the group. Each member will then be able 
to quote the account number and ring/fax/email our warehouse with their 
credit card ready. They will also need to specify what type of dispatch 
they want since they will need to pay for it. Please note this will 
change hopefully within the next few weeks when O'Reilly UK will have a 
shopping cart.
  * Donations of books and other promo items
  * Speaking engagements with O'Reilly authors when possible
  * Electronic Newsletter
  * Printed catalogues

Dus als je O'Reilly boeken wil bestellen enzovoort, dan ben ik blijkbaar 
de tussenpersoon om dat te regelen.

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