[python-nigeria] CFP now open for PyCon Nigeria 2018

Tosin Damilare James Animashaun acetakwas at gmail.com
Sat Jul 14 15:32:53 EDT 2018

Hello everyone,


This is a last minute reminder, as we are about set to stop receiving
submissions for talk
proposals towards PyCon Nigeria 2018. [1]

We plan to close the window at *23.59 hours tomorrow, Sunday, July 15,
2018.* Therefore,
please endeavour to make judicious use of these remaining hours if you are
intent on doing
a presentation at the event.

Again, we eagerly await your submission!


*1. We tweeted about this here: [2]*
*2. Here is making a special call for more female representation. *
*Do remember that the rest of the community is there to help you out in
making your *
*presentation a solid one. **So even if your talk is not fully ready, do go
ahead and *
*submit your topic of interest ASAP!*

[1] https://www.pycon.ng/blog/2018/04/09/call-for-proposals-2018/

*[2] https://twitter.com/pyconnigeria/status/1018193098705461248

*Keep Pythoning*,

*For:* The Board, PyUNG
*Tosin Damilare James Animashaun*
*Christian | Programmer | Learner*
<https://ng.linkedin.com/pub/tosin-damilare-james-animashaun/24/57a/471> *
*| *[image: https://github.com/takwas] <https://github.com/takwas>

On Tue, 10 Apr 2018 at 01:29, Tosin Damilare James Animashaun <
acetakwas at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> Preparations are underway again, as we gear towards PyCon NG 2018. We are
> in great anticipation for what promises to be yet another eventful and
> impactful convention.
> We are inviting you to submit applications to speak at the event, as the
> window is now open to do so. [1]
> Following the parade of awesome sessions which we witnessed in 2017, we
> have no doubt that there is so much more that can be learnt from members of
> the community. We therefore encourage you to come out and share same using
> the PyCon Nigeria platform.
> Whether you got the chance to speak at last year's event or were not lucky
> enough to have your talk selected, or have never applied, you are welcome
> to send in your application. So do send in your proposal without further
> ado.
> Please visit the link [1] below to learn more.
> We eagerly await your submission!
> [1] https://www.pycon.ng/blog/2018/04/09/call-for-proposals-2018/
> *Keep Pythoning*,
> *For:* The Board, PyUNG
> *Tosin Damilare James Animashaun*
> *Christian | Programmer | Learner*
> http://takwas.github.io/
> *[image:
> https://ng.linkedin.com/pub/tosin-damilare-james-animashaun/24/57a/471]
> <https://ng.linkedin.com/pub/tosin-damilare-james-animashaun/24/57a/471> *
> *| *[image: https://github.com/takwas] <https://github.com/takwas>

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