help: pandas and 2d table

jak nospam at please.ty
Fri Apr 12 14:40:09 EDT 2024

Hi everyone.
I state that I don't know anything about 'pandas' but I intuited that
it could do what I want. I get, through the "read_excel" method, a
table similar to this:

       obj| foo1 foo2 foo3 foo4 foo5 foo6
      foo1|   aa   ab   zz   ad   ae   af
      foo2|   ba   bb   bc   bd   zz   bf
      foo3|   ca   zz   cc   cd   ce   zz
      foo4|   da   db   dc   dd   de   df
      foo5|   ea   eb   ec   zz   ee   ef
      foo6|   fa   fb   fc   fd   fe   ff

And I would like to get a result similar to this:


Would you show me the path, please?
Thank you in advance.

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