ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'Paramiko'

Wenyong Wei weijiawenyong at
Sun Apr 7 21:31:57 EDT 2024

Dear Sir/Madam,

Recently I encounter a problem that I can't import paramiko in my computer. My PC running on window 10 64 bits. I have investigate this issue via internet, there are a lot of solutions for this issue, after trying most of the steps, I still can't run this module, the major steps I have try are:

Install python ver 3.7.1 or 3.11.8 by itself or customer installation (changing the installation folder) and check add python to the path.
pip install paramiko, if ver 3.7.1 installed, need to upgrade the pip version.
Checking the environment path, there are two path related to the python, one for python.exe, the other for \Lib\site-packages\paramiko

can you please provide advice on this issue?



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