Addition of a .= operator

Rob Cliffe rob.cliffe at
Tue May 23 18:21:17 EDT 2023

> This sort of code might be better as a single expression. For example:
> user = (
>      request.GET["user"]
>      .decode("utf-8")
>      .strip()
>      .lower()
> )
> user = orm.user.get(name=user)
LOL.  And I thought I was the one with a (self-confessed) tendency to 
write too slick, dense, smart-alec code. 😁
Indeed, I was itching to shorten it (starting with the low-hanging 
fruit: user = user.strip().lower() ).
Seriously though: this kind of condensation can come unstuck when any of 
the steps need to be made more complicated.
(Suppose request.GET might return ASCII, might return Unicode, depending 
on which server it was talking to.)
Peter's actual code feels more Pythonic to me.  (It's even 2 lines 
shorter! 😎)
Rob Cliffe

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