Fast lookup of bulky "table"

rbowman bowman at
Sun Jan 15 15:54:18 EST 2023

On Sun, 15 Jan 2023 08:27:29 -0500, Dino wrote:

> Do you have any idea about the speed of a SELECT query against a 100k
> rows / 300 Mb Sqlite db?

The site is old but has a number of comparisons. I have not used SQLite 
with Python yet but with both C and C# I've been impressed with the speed 
versus Postgres or MSSQL. One thing to watch is insertions. By default 
each insertion is a transaction. There is a dramatic speed increase for 
multiple insertions if you explicitly start a transaction, do the inserts, 
and end the transaction.

My usage is a result of ESRI's dropping their C++/C# Engine API. My new 
approach uses queries against the AcrGIS Server REST interface for much of 
the functionality but some spatial queries can be replaced with 
predetermined tabular data rather than runtime spatial queries. For 
example, for a given dataset you can determine the coordinates of every 
intersection beforehand and the intersection of PINE ST and MAPLE AVE 
becomes a simple search in the SLQite database.

ESRI's ArcPy is the closest replacement for the legacy C++ API so I assume 
in the future I will be using it in conjunction with SQLite. The actual 
geodata will still need to be in a spatially aware RDMBS like SQL Server 
or PostgreSQL/PostGIS but SQLite so far is the fastest and easiest to 
implement for non-spatial data. Also, it is in the public domain which 
avoids the complexities of MySQL and its derivatives for commercial 

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