Confusing textwrap parameters, and request for RE help

Peter J. Holzer hjp-python at
Thu Mar 26 15:08:14 EDT 2020

On 2020-03-25 16:09:24 -0400, Richard Damon wrote:
> On 3/25/20 3:52 PM, Peter J. Holzer wrote:
> > If anything, I think it was fixed-width fonts which contributed to the
> > decline of hyphenation: With a fixed-width font you can't get a proper
> > justification anyway, and if your right margin is ragged, hyphenation is
> > much less important
> Actually, fixed width fonts are easy to justify, you just add additional 
> space between words through the line.

Yes. It's easy to do it wrong and impossible to do it right :-)


The problem is that you can only insert an integral number of spaces und
the number of spaces you need to insert is rarely a multiple of the
number of gaps between words. So you get uneven spacing, which looks


   _  | Peter J. Holzer    | Story must make more sense than reality.
|_|_) |                    |
| |   | hjp at         |    -- Charles Stross, "Creative writing
__/   | |       challenge!"
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