Python question

Grant Edwards grant.b.edwards at
Wed Mar 11 10:32:44 EDT 2020

On 2020-03-11, Michael Torrie <torriem at> wrote:
> On 3/10/20 6:49 PM, Souvik Dutta wrote:
>> What about moving on to a social media app completely made in pythoj for
>> python?
> No thanks. I don't want to be on yet another web forum.  I don't need
> "social media" or a "social media app."  Email works exceedingly well
> for this sort of thing, despite Google's antics.

For me, "news" works even better than email, which is why I read all
my email lists via the gmane NNTP server using a news client (slrn). :)

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Now I'm concentrating
                                  at               on a specific tank battle
                                toward the end of World
                                                   War II!

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