Checking support for network connections from Python client to IPv6 server

Cameron Simpson cs at
Sun Jun 2 01:55:41 EDT 2019

On 02Jun2019 07:14, Markus Elfring <Markus.Elfring at> wrote:
>> "Handled transparently" means that an ipv6 server can handle connections
>> from ipv4 clients without doing anything special.
>It is nice if this conversion is working.
>> They just appear to come from a specific IPv6 address range.
>I got expected connections by my small script “socket-send_test_data1.tcl”.
>>> Under which circumstances will the Python programming interfaces
>>> support the direct usage of the identification “::1”?
>> I'm not sure I understand the question. They do.
>How would like to explain the error message “socket.gaierror: [Errno -9]
>Address family for hostname not supported” on my Linux test system 

Can you supply a tiny standalone piece of code demonstrating this error 
please? I've dug through the thread and can't see one.

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

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