Python3 - How do I import a class from another file

R.Wieser address at not.available
Tue Dec 10 14:25:07 EST 2019


> the object that is the integer 5 *isn't* deleted

That was not the question.  And you're now referring to the object as well 
as the integer, which makes it confusing. You also have not explained what 
happens instead.   In short, your above statement has ZERO value to me.

> On the contrary, it's exactly the point.  You are asserting behaviour that 
> you are not guaranteed.

Prove it.  I'm getting a bit fed up with you guys yapping along without 
anything to back anything up.

> What you disabled wasn't the garbage collector,

Prove it.  The page I found says something else, starting 
with the pages title being "Garbage Collector".

> And to repeat, you have *no* guarantee *at all* in the language spec that 
> this will happen.

There is also absolutily no guarantee in those specs that my 'puter will not 
suddenly transform into a bonzai tree.   Should I now expect it to happen ?

Rudy Wieser

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