pylint woes

Christopher Reimer christopher_reimer at
Sat May 7 16:20:01 EDT 2016

On 5/7/2016 12:52 PM, Ray Cote wrote:

> I’m impressed with 10/10.
> My approach is to ensure flake8 (a combination of pyflakes and pep8
> checking) does not report any warnings and then run pyLint as a final
> check.

I just installed pyflakes and ran it against my 10/10 files. It's not 
complaining about anything. So I ran it against my unit tests that I'm 
still writing, haven't cleaned up and checked against pylint. I got 
dinged for using a star import on a file with a common variables, which 
was an easy fix.

Thank you,

Chris R.

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