Newbie: Designer Looking to Build Graphics Editor (PS/AI)

Bartc bc at
Fri Oct 2 15:40:40 EDT 2015

On 02/10/2015 17:41, Kenneth L wrote:
> I actually build an iOS using Flash.

What does that mean? That you built an Apple-like operating system using 

> I'd like to build a Illustrator/Photoshop like program.

You've probably got the message by now that that is not trivial.

> Maybe this program could be base and it can export vector and bring into Photoshop to add finishing touches.

Yes, I did something like that (but many years ago with not so many 
libraries). Users took my 3D vector output and used 3D Studio to render it.

Still, even an application that does the basic stuff will be a long, 
hard slog to do, and most of it is going to be concerned with a million 
uninteresting details, probably GUI-related.

> I heard Python is easy to learn. So my question is Python able to do this or connect with libraries? Plus where do I start? I watched python tutorials but they don't really show you how to build an application. How does one build a graphics program? LOL where do you start? How do you draw graphics on the screen?

In that case you're probably being over-ambitious. One problem with 
Python is that it can be quite slow when it needs to do detailed things 
itself, and it has to rely on libraries written in other, faster 
languages. If what you want to do can't be directly done by calling a 
series of such library functions, then you would really need to code in 
another language.

> I'm just confused.

Try something much simpler first.


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