
Antoon Pardon antoon.pardon at
Mon May 11 09:27:50 EDT 2015

Op 11-05-15 om 13:58 schreef Marko Rauhamaa:
> Antoon Pardon <antoon.pardon at>:
>> Which is exactly the point! They were turned into keywords because the
>> developers didn't want to allow them being overridden. There is no a
>> priori reason why we should turn "True" into a keyword and allow "int"
>> in the builtins.
>> We are only allowed to be adults, for as far as the developers let us.
>> They allow us to be adults with regards to "int" but they don't allow
>> us to be adults with regards to "True".
>> Defending "int" being overridable by declating "We're all adults" is
>> being selective.
> I'm still failing to see the point. What problem are you having a
> difficulty solving?

The point is that all too often someone wants to defend a specific choice
the developers have made and cites some general rule or principle in support,
ignoring the fact that python breaks that rule/principle in other area's.

"We are all adults, we give you the freedom to break things or write
confusing code" and variantions is such a rule/principle, because often
enough changes in the language are introduced to make it easier to eliminate
bugs or are refused because they would be too bug prone.

Antoon Pardon

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