Is it safe to assume floats always have a 53-bit mantissa?

Terry Reedy tjreedy at
Wed Dec 30 09:35:29 EST 2015

On 12/30/2015 8:18 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> We know that Python floats are equivalent to C doubles,


> which are 64-bit IEEE-754 floating point numbers.

I believe that this was not true on all systems when Python was first 
released.  Not all 64-bit floats divided them the same way.  I believe 
there has been some discussion on pydev whether the python code itself 
should assume IEEE now.  I do not believe that there are currently any 
buildbots that are not IEEE.  Does the standard allow exposing the 80 
bit floats of FP processors?

> Well, actually, C doubles are not strictly defined. The only promise the C
> standard makes is that double is no smaller than float. (That's C float,
> not Python float.) And of course, not all Python implementations use C.
> Nevertheless, it's well known (in the sense that "everybody knows") that
> Python floats are equivalent to C 64-bit IEEE-754 doubles. How safe is that
> assumption?
> I have a function with two implementations: a fast implementation that
> converts an int to a float, does some processing, then converts it back to
> int. That works fine so long as the int can be represented exactly as a
> float.
> The other implementation uses integer maths only, and is much slower but
> exact.
> As an optimization, I want to write:
> def func(n):
>      if n <= 2**53:

The magic number 53 should be explained in the code.

>          # use the floating point fast implementation
>      else:
>          # fall back on the slower, but exact, int algorithm
> (The optimization makes a real difference: for large n, the float version is
> about 500 times faster.)
> But I wonder whether I need to write this instead?
> def func(n):
>      if n <= 2**sys.float_info.mant_dig:
>          # ...float
>      else:
>          #

Pull the calculation of the constant out of the function.  Naming the 
constant documents it and allows easy change.  There is pretty standard 
in scientific computing (or was once).

finmax = 2 ** sys.float_info.mant_dig  # -1?

def func(n):
     if n <= finmax:

Terry Jan Reedy

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