activestate recipe for code to source and back fails on 3.3+, core Python bug?

Mark Lawrence breamoreboy at
Tue Dec 1 13:57:38 EST 2015

The recipe in question is here 
I've called it c2sab in the test code below.

The problem is that the class name gets dropped during the round trip, 
but only if a list, dict or set comprehension or a generator expression 
is involved, and only from the code.co_consts tuple.  Hopefully the code 
and output that follows makes sense.

import c2sab
import inspect

class Comps():

     def listcomp(self): = [x for x in range(10)]

     def genexpr(self): = (x for x in range(10))

     def dictcomp(self):
         self.dc = {x: x**2 for x in range(10)}

     def setcomp(self): = {x for x in range(10)}

methods = inspect.getmembers(Comps, inspect.isfunction)
for _, method in methods:
     print('Processing', method.__name__)
     code = method.__code__
     recode = c2sab.recompile(*c2sab.uncompile(code))
     for offset, co_consts in enumerate(zip(code.co_consts, 
         old = co_consts[0]
         new = co_consts[1]
         if old != new:
             print('offset {} code |{}| not equal to recode 
|{}|'.format(offset, old, new))

Processing dictcomp
offset 2 code |Comps.dictcomp.<locals>.<dictcomp>| not equal to recode 

Processing genexpr
offset 2 code |Comps.genexpr.<locals>.<genexpr>| not equal to recode 

Processing listcomp
offset 2 code |Comps.listcomp.<locals>.<listcomp>| not equal to recode 

Processing setcomp
offset 2 code |Comps.setcomp.<locals>.<setcomp>| not equal to recode 

I can reproduce the above on 3.3 to 3.6 inclusive on Windows 10.  This 
has no impact on 3.2 or lower as the field in question is new in 
co_consts for 3.3.

So is my analysis correct?  If yes I'll be reporting a bug although I've 
no idea what against, if no what have I overlooked?

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

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