Sometimes bottle takes a lot of time

Cecil Westerhof Cecil at
Sun Aug 23 08:45:45 EDT 2015

On Sunday 23 Aug 2015 03:05 CEST, Chris Angelico wrote:

>> But in principal I have found the problem. (Not the reason.) The
>> problem is Firefox. (So it is not bottle and also not AngularJS.)
>> When using Chrome there is no problem. Not even when I do 15 times
>> a refresh. With Firefox there is this problem. Even when I restart
>> it.
> Huh, interesting. I can't help there, but I wish you the very best
> of luck in finding it.

It looks like it is a recent problem. I also installed it on an old
AcerAspire One. The fetch takes there five times as long, but fetching
through Firefox is a lot faster. Not as fast as Chromium, but the
difference is a lot less. But there Ice-wasel 38.0 is used instead of
Firefox 40.

Mozilla wants a life version. I am trying to install it on

Cecil Westerhof
Senior Software Engineer

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