running python 2 vs 3

notbob notbob at
Thu Mar 20 13:23:24 EDT 2014

On 2014-03-20, Mark H Harris <harrismh777 at> wrote:

> not) there really is no problem. The reason is that the .pyc files 
> created for python2.x are only used by python2.  

Lordy, what hath I wrought!?  ;)

What the heck is a .pyc file and how are they created?  Actually, I
can see  it's a compiled binary, but I where did it come from?  

I went back to my ~/python/ dir and noticed one .pyc file out of 15
.py files I created from following Learning Python the Hard Way.  No
one said anything about creating a binary.  I know I discovered how to
create/edit python scripts from IDLE.  Is that it?  I've been using
gedit and emacs up till now.  Seems the file with the .pyc file is the
one I edited in IDLE.  Is that why LPtHW eschews IDLE for gedit?  

Why do I feel like I've really stepped in it?  ;)


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