Python 2.7.6 help with white spaces?

Roy Smith roy at
Thu Feb 6 20:25:47 EST 2014

In article <mailman.6467.1391736132.18130.python-list at>,
 Scott W Dunning <swdunning at> wrote:

> I am having trouble figuring out how to remove spacesŠ.
> Assume variables exist for minutes and seconds. Each variable is an integer. 
> How would you create a string in the format,
> 3:11
> with no spaces. where 3 is minutes and 11 is seconds.
> Obviously when IŠ
> print minutes, ³:², seconds
> I get 3 : 11
> how can I get it to print with no spaces?   
> 3:11

print "%d:%02d" % (minutes, seconds)

The "02" for the seconds specifier makes sure you get exactly two 
digits, with a leading zero if needed.

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